From the planet Beast, the Beastformers played a role in the Japanese Headmasters series...if it was just one episode. I personally love this tie-in and the toys themselves. While I do have several boxed specimens in my collection, finding these toys let alone the cards can be challenging these days. I recently came across a few new boxed Beastformers and some better scans of cards I already had. The
Beastformers section has already been updated with the scans below.
#03 Golder (Ferocious Tiger)
#04 Flykick (Colonel Bird)
#18 Yellow Giraffe (Rubberneck Giraffe)
#02 Big Serow (Deer Stalker)
#16 Bea Fox (Sly Fox)
#42 Underground (Miner Mole)
#60 Baboon (Manic Mandrill)
#21 Bowdog (Danger Dog)
#05 Killer Fish (Killer Carp)